Preserving & Serving Lancaster, PA, and Surrounding Areas

You Love Lancaster, and So Do We
Downtown Lancaster, PA’s architecture can be described as a mix of traditional Pennsylvania Dutch and Victorian-era buildings. Examples include the Lancaster County Courthouse, Landis Valley Museum, Central Market, and the historic Fulton Opera House. The downtown area also has many locally owned stores, creating a vibrant and colorful streetscape. Various sculptures and murals can be found throughout the district, honoring the city’s rich history and culture.
What makes Lancaster even more unique is its people—and that’s why we give back.

Boards & Commissions
- Lancaster City Building Code Board of Appeals, Chairman, 2019 – present
- Lower Windsor Township, York County, PA, Planning Commission Member, 2018-present
- Historic Architecture Review Board, Borough of Columbia, Vice-chair, 2017-2020
- Historical Architectural Review Board, City of Lancaster, Consultant, 1991-1998
- Historic District Commission Town of Topsham, ME, Chairman, 2004-2006
- St. Leo the Great Catholic School, Lancaster, PA, School Board Member, 2010-2013
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, Building Committee Member, 2016-2023
- PHMC Keystone Historic Preservation Grant, Review/Selection Committee, 2016
- Eastern York School District Long Range Building Committee, 2014-present
- St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, Lancaster, PA, Member of Planning Committee, 2007-present
- Boy Scout Troop 84, Committee Chairman/Member/Treasurer, 2018-present
- Exterior Commercial Property Review Committee, Lancaster, PA Member, 2005
- Cub Scout Pack 184, Committee Member/Treasurer, 2013-2016
- Lancaster Public Library “Library Lovers Art Auction” Committee Member, 2014
- Lancaster County Young Artists Competition Judge, 2020-present
- ABC Keystone Chapter Excellence in Construction Awards Judge, 2015-present
- ACE (Architecture/Construction/Engineering) Mentor Program Mentor, 2012-2014
- Lancaster Home Builders Association, Awards Juror, 2012-2013
- Polish-American Association, Harrisburg, PA, President, 2010-2014
- West Hanover Fire Department, Volunteer, 2016-present
- Castaway Critters, Volunteer, 2015-present
- American Institute of Architects (AIA), Central Pennsylvania Chapter, 1985-present
- National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, 1985-present
- Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1977-present
- LancasterHistory.org, 1995-present
- Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster, PA, 1990-present
- National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1998-present
- American Library Association, 1999-present
- International Code Council, 2002-present
- Marietta Restoration Association, 2005-present
- Hourglass Foundation, 2012-Present
- Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association, 2014-Present