Lancaster Central Market

he Central Market in Lancaster – listed on the National Register of Historic Places – is the nation’s oldest continuously operating market house, built in 1889 on the site of the former market. All elements of this renovation were in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings. The 19,400 square-foot market remained in continuous operation, accomplished by scheduling construction in 13 phases.
The most recent renovation of the Market required modern improvements and energy-saving solutions without compromising the integrity of the historic building and the spectacular interior space. New features include an elevator; a public mezzanine to view the interior space; new restrooms; new underground mechanical and electrical rooms; stair tower construction; and new interior finishes throughout. Energy-efficiency improvements include a new high-efficiency boiler; repairs to historic wood windows and dormer windows to improve seasonal ventilation; and installation of 40 new ceramic metal halide light fixtures to replace 505 mercury vapor and incandescent fixtures.
Removal of the asphalt shingles installed in the 1970’s and replacement with an authentic slate tile roof on the National Register listed Lancaster Central Market has long been a primary goal of the City of Lancaster and the Central Market Trust.
In the Lancaster Central Market Master Plan, a primary recommendation was the reinstallation of a slate shingle roof, and following Hammel Associate’s comprehensive interior and exterior historic rehabilitation, the slate roof installation became a high priority.
The “Raise the Roof” fundraising campaign raised over $1.5 million through a variety of efforts, including the opportunity to purchase and sign a slate tile. This effort was tremendously successful, with over 500 slates being purchased and signed by adults and children of all ages, including slates being signed from hospital beds and used as marriage proposals, truly illustrating the special place that the Market holds in the community.
The resulting project to replace the existing asphalt shingle roof with an authentic slate tile shingle roof in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior Standards has been the crowning achievement to cap over 15 years of vision and planning at the Lancaster Central Market.
Preservation PA, Historic Preservation Award Winner (multiple awards)
Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County Award Winner
Envision Achievement Award Winner – Heritage Resource Category